Aspireze Aspirin Gel - 80 CC

Aspireze Aspirin Gel - 80 CC

Part Number: 250444


Quantity Available: 8

AspirEze an flavored equine gel that contains aspirin USP for the temporary relief of pain, fever and inflammation associated with the symptoms of wounds, cuts, abrasions and soft tissue pain in horses. Also good for conditions associated with arthritis and joint pain. It is apple flavored, microencapsulated and buffered. For adult horses of 1000lb; give 20cc twice daily or as needed at or before feeding. Adjust amount given depending on the size of the horse and the desired results. Do not give more than a total of 80cc in any 24 hour period. For symptoms associated with arthritis, give 7cc twice daily or as often as needed.

* All prices and inventory subject to change without notice. More items available at each location.